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Cosmetic Transformations Featured in Trend Hunter Magazine

Cosmetic Transformations was featured in Trend Hunter Magazine, the world’s largest trend spotting and cool hunting network.  Trend Hunter featured our permanent make-up and semi-permanent make-up services.  We have already received numerous emails from new clients and others interested in what we do and who we help.  This article does a great job of explaining what Cosmetic Transformations cares so much about: rebuilding people’s sense of self, their confidence and their hope.

“I find myself most impressed by the eyebrow tattoos. Kyla is able to redraw each individual eyebrow hair for people who have lost theirs due to chemo. All of these procedures are possible thanks to cutting edge advances in tattoo technology and special medical grade pigments that work well with cancer survivors. But Kyla Legard’s services aren’t just being used by medical patients. “Many people find themselves wanting semi-permanent make-up, including full lip colour, lash enhancement, eye liner and hair stroke-enhanced eyebrows. These are medically safe pigments, which means they fade over 3-5 years… So if styles change, so can you.”

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