Pigmentation for Scars
Light-coloured scars can be successfully camouflaged by Kyla by infusing skin coloured pigments into the scar tissue. Scars should be minimally one year old and should be paler in colour than the surrounding skin. If scars are hyper-pigmented (dark in colour), are noticeably raised or sunken, or have an uneven texture the treatment may be ineffective as these scar types have poor pigment retention capabilities.

The most suitable scars to treat with micropigmentation are light in colour. Additionally, it is important that the micropigmentation procedure is carried out when the skin is not tanned as the success of the treatment depends on selecting pigments that are close to the natural skin tone. If tanned skin is colour matched and the tan fades, the infused pigment will not fade, leaving a noticeable demarcation between the healthy skin and the treated scar tissue. The reverse is also a consideration and you must accept that sun exposure must be minimal once the scar has been camouflaged, as the scar will not tan like the surrounding skin.
In cases where the scar area is quite large, several re-pigmentation procedures may be required—as with the large scar on the arm above. In such cases, the tonal variances of the normal skin can be simulated, including the addition of freckles, to help the area lacking colour merge with the surrounding skin.
In order to match the subtle variations found in your natural skin tone, Kyla may need to patch test several different pigment choices. The test areas will develop over 6 weeks, after which time you and Kyla will decide on which of the pigments tested are closest to your surrounding skin tone. Kyla will then implant the chosen pigments into the scar, using her Titian Wash™ technique.
Each re-pigmentation session normally takes one hour. You may require only one treatment session, or multiple sessions if you have a larger area to cover or if your skin proves to be more resistant to the pigments. Every person’s skin type, skin thickness, color level, and presence of thick or thin layers of scar tissue will cause pigments to absorb differently. All of these factors are assessed during the consultation and test patch of treatment. Kyla will take time to discuss your particular situation with you.
Micropigmentation camouflage work DOES NOT TAN, because the skin in the hypo-pigmented area (skin lacking colour) is no longer capable of tanning. However, a re-pigmented area will be much less noticeable when you tan, and can be temporarily darkened with temporary tan products.

Scar Camouflage
Post-Abdominalplasty Umbilicus Tattooing
In my opinion, surgical creation of the umbilicus is the first treatment pathway to be recommended to the patient with optimal effects being achieved with adjuvant scar camouflage tattooing and shading to simulate depth. Full tattoo umbilicus simulations do not lend themselves to optimal results due to the fact that once the pigments have healed in the skin they take on a cooler look, and can look greyish over time, unless touch-up appointments are done every 3-5 years.
The first before and after photos show scar camouflage and warm shading tattooing to create more depth post abdominoplasty.

“I flew all the way from Australia to have my lip scarring expertly tattooed by Kyla – now I can smile confidently and have no need for make-up!”